- Nositelj kolegija: Lucija Šimičić
Language Processing (NLP) is one of the most propulsive fields in the
professional IT sector and science through Artificial Intelligence (AI). As the
branch of AI, it deals with the different tasks of understanding and using
natural language in the human-computer interaction. In that sense, there is a
considerable demand for scientists and professionals fitted to build and use
sophisticated models capable of analyzing speech and language, discovering
contextual patterns, understanding sentiment, synthesizing speech, and produce
insight from text or audio. This course introduces students to the NLP's main
topics throughout the teaching process and engaging activities, combining
fundamental theoretical concepts with the best approaches and methodologies.

- Nositelj kolegija: Ante Panjkota
- Nositelj kolegija: Marco Angster
- Nositelj kolegija: Marco Angster