- Nositelj kolegija: Željka Knežević
- Nositelj kolegija: Ana Petravić
Kratki opis kolegija.
- Nositelj kolegija: Željka Knežević
- Izvođač kolegija: Damir Velički
Kratki opis kolegija.
- Nositelj kolegija: Željka Knežević
- Nositelj kolegija: Ana Petravić
Kratki opis kolegija.
- Nositelj kolegija: Željka Knežević
Metodika informatike 1
- Nositelj kolegija: Mario Dumančić
Kratki opis kolegija.
- Nositelj kolegija: Sanja Canjek-Androić
- Izvođač kolegija: Petra Karabin
- Izvođač kolegija: Željka Knežević
Kratki opis kolegija.
- Nositelj kolegija: Marija Andraka
- Izvođač kolegija: Ivana Cindrić
This course is primarily concerned with using literature in teaching English as a foreign language. It focuses on several related issues, and also on developing your practical skills in choosing literary texts, presenting them and supporting children’s participation. It is also directed towards developing teaching materials. You are supposed to perform activities you have designed in class, with children.
It is a short course: 30 classes (15 – 0 – 15) in term 9; e-learning: 20%.
If you do everything that is required from you, you will get 2 ECTS credits for this course, so you are expected to spend additional 30 hours preparing for the tasks and projects and for the exam.
It is important to attend classes regularly and to do all the assignments on time – your permanent work and active participation will contribute to your final grade.
There is a written and an oral exam.
The course value is 100 points.
NB You can enter this course only if you have successfully completed courses Children’s Literature in English and Picturebook in English.
It is a short course: 30 classes (15 – 0 – 15) in term 9; e-learning: 20%.
If you do everything that is required from you, you will get 2 ECTS credits for this course, so you are expected to spend additional 30 hours preparing for the tasks and projects and for the exam.
It is important to attend classes regularly and to do all the assignments on time – your permanent work and active participation will contribute to your final grade.
There is a written and an oral exam.
The course value is 100 points.
NB You can enter this course only if you have successfully completed courses Children’s Literature in English and Picturebook in English.
- Nositelj kolegija: Ivana Milković
Kratki opis kolegija.
- Nositelj kolegija: Lovorka Zergollern-Miletić
Kratki opis kolegija.
- Nositelj kolegija: Alena Letina
- Izvođač kolegija: Sanja Canjek-Androić
Kratki opis kolegija.
- Nositelj kolegija: Vladimira Velički
Kratki opis kolegija.
- Nositelj kolegija: Vlatka Domović
Kratki opis kolegija.
- Nositelj kolegija: Iva Gruić
Kratki opis kolegija.
- Nositelj kolegija: Alena Letina
Cilj kolegija je osposobiti studente za samostalno programiranje i izvođenje nastave te provođenje istraživanja o dječjem likovnom stvaralaštvu na nastavi likovne kulture u osnovnoj školi. Uvjet za upis predmeta je položen predmet Metodika likovne kulture 3. Student mora biti sposoban samostalno pripremiti i izvesti nastavni sat iz likovne kulture.
- Nositelj kolegija: Miroslav Huzjak
Kratki opis kolegija.
- Nositelj kolegija: Marina Đuranović
- Izvođač kolegija: Lidija Eret