Kratki opis kolegija.
Kratki opis kolegija.
Kratki opis kolegija.
Kratki opis kolegija.
Course aims
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
(i) critically analyse and evaluate different genres of writing, with particular reference to structure and conventions, register, and effect.
(ii) write well for different purposes and different audiences.

Course content
A) Critical analysis
You will analyse the structure and style of a variety of texts: articles and features from newspapers and magazines; descriptive writing; promotional writing; discursive writing; transactional writing (emails, letters, blogs); narratives; reviews; extracts from contemporary creative writing.

B) Writing skills
You will practise and develop writing skills through the planning, drafting, editing and proofreading of the text types listed above. This writing will be done in groups and as an individual activity. You will develop and practise the skills of critically evaluating your own and peer compositions in terms of organisation, mechanical accuracy, and effectiveness.

Course outline
1) Descriptive writing
2) Narratives and narrative essays
3) Feature articles
4) Discursive writing
5) Letters and emails - applications and transactional writing

This will be based on you writing assignments submitted during the semester. You will also learn how to assess your own and peers’ work. Your overall grade is made up of the following components:

a) Assignments 25%
b) Mid-term test 25%
c) End of course test 35%
d) Participation 15%

Compulsory reading:
Virginia Evans, Successful Writing: Proficiency. Newbury, Express Publishing, 1998.
Hugh Cory, Advanced Writing with English in Use. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1996.
Kratki opis kolegija.
Kratki opis kolegija.
Kratki opis kolegija.
Kratki opis kolegija.
Kratki opis kolegija.
Ciljevi kolegija:
- osposobljavanje za samostalno služenje stručnom literaturom na engleskom jeziku
- uspostavljanje pisane i usmene komunikacije u funkciji struke
- razvijanje potreba i navika samostalnog usvajanja i korištenja stranog jezika

Kratki opis kolegija.
Kratki opis kolegija.
Kratki opis kolegija.
Kratki opis kolegija.
Kratki opis kolegija.
Kratki opis kolegija.
Kratki opis kolegija.
Kolegij Hrvatski standardni jezik 1 obvezan je kolegij na integriranome Učiteljskom studiju (modul hrvatski jezik) u 5. semestru.

Obveze studenata: redovito pohađanje nastave i aktivno sudjelovanje, seminarski rad iz zadane literature, prezentacija zadane teme u seminaru, pohađanje kazališnih predstava i društvenih događaja, čitanje propisane literature i vođenje bilježaka te samostalno učenje i priprema za ispit.