The introduction and historical overview of historical artefacts analysis methods. Managing clothing artefacts from their discovery to the conservation institute. Documenting clothing artefacts: category, typology and attribution. Use of archival data and historical analysis. The methods of analysis are applied through exercises on examples of clothing artefacts of different stylistic periods. The interpretations of the results are based on an inter-disciplinary approach. The course specifically discusses problems derived from comparative analysis. Comprehensive analysis covering the content of the artefacts, its historical and present-day reception. 

The introduction and historical overview of historical artefacts analysis methods. Managing clothing artefacts from their discovery to the conservation institute. Documenting clothing artefacts: category, typology and attribution. Use of archival data and historical analysis. The methods of analysis are applied through exercises on examples of clothing artefacts of different stylistic periods. The interpretations of the results are based on an inter-disciplinary approach. The course specifically discusses problems derived from comparative analysis. Comprehensive analysis covering the content of the artefacts, its historical and present-day reception.