When faced with confusion or a problem, our instinct is to repair it with order. We examine and analyse the situation, looking for logic, until we can say: “Aha, I know this. Now I know what to do.” Unfortunately, the rapid analysis and rational decision-making that most managers use to run their organizations has serious limitations. As problems and circumstances become more complex, they don’t fit previous patterns. We don’t recognize the situation. We can’t rapidly or automatically know what to do. What worked before doesn’t work today. To make effective sense of unfamiliar situations and complex challenges, we must have a grasp of the whole of the situation, including its variables, unknowns, and mysterious forces. This requires skills beyond everyday analysis. It requires innovation leadership. Objective of the course are:
- What Leaders Need Now Is Innovative Leadership
- Why Innovation Matters
- Innovation Leadership Has Two Components
- Business Thinking Versus Innovative Thinking
- Six Innovative Thinking Skills
- Experiment with Innovation
- Leadership for Innovation
- Leadership for Organizational Innovation Requirements
The modular course design combines comprehensive theoretical material related to innovation leadership with more practical seminars where useful tools and methods for innovation are used.
- Nositelj kolegija: Jasna Prester
- Nositelj kolegija: Jasna Prester
La gestion de la chaîne logistique est un domaine d’étude établi avec une croissance constante des possibilités d’emploi dans la gestion de la chaîne logistique. Cependant, la gestion des chaînes logistique est devenue vulnérable à de nombreux risques liés à des sources opérationnelles, techniques, économiques et autres. Outre le fonctionnement de la chaîne logistique, à chaque leçon, les risques sont clairement définis. Un cadre de gestion de ces risques est également présenté. La méthode du cas est une méthode d'étude de cas par laquelle chaque phénomène est expliqué par un exemple du monde réel. Les études de cas sont choisies parmi la base d'études de cas de Harvard, la base européenne ECCH et la base de cas française INSEAD. Ensuite, des leçons sont présentées qui forment la base de la pensée analytique et déductive. Tous les matériaux sont fournis via la plateforme d’étude MERLIN. L'objectif du cours est de préparer les étudiants à des emplois dans la gestion de la chaîne logistique et la logistique. En analysant de nombreux cas, ils pourront voir où des améliorations pourraient être apportées à leurs emplois futurs. Le cours est conçu en fonction des compétences requises du responsable de la chaîne d'approvisionnement selon les offres d'emploi. Aussi, à partir de 2018, la demande de responsables de la chaîne d'approvisionnement des trois niveaux (entrée, moyen, expérimenté) est régulièrement surveillée et enregistre une croissance constante. Dans le domaine de la gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, il y a environ 40 % de la population active employée et les activités de la chaîne d'approvisionnement génèrent environ 24 % du PIB mondial. Il en va de même pour les pays étudiés (États-Unis, France et Croatie). De plus, la crise du COVID-19 a montré explicitement à quel point les chaînes d'approvisionnement sont vulnérables et que le risque doit être pris en compte lors de la conception de la chaîne d'approvisionnement.
Copenhagen Business School https://kursuskatalog.cbs.dk/2020-2021/BA-BISHO2010U.aspx Harvard under 3 courses Global Business https://pll.harvard.edu/catalog?keywords=supply+chain+risk+management&op=Search The University of Strathclyde, Glasgow MacEwan University Edmonton, Alberta, Canada https://www.macewan.ca/wcm/schoolsfaculties/schoolofcontinuingeducation/Courses/SCMT0507 Glasgow Caledonian University https://www.gcu.ac.uk/study/modules/202021/info/?Module=MHN222572 Université de Lyon https://bourgenbresse.univ-lyon3.fr/06250195-gestion-des-risques-industriels-et-logistiques Université Grenoble Alpes https://www.cerag.org/node/6/anticipation-et-gestion-risques |
- Nositelj kolegija: Jasna Prester
- Nositelj kolegija: Jasna Prester
When faced with confusion or a problem, our instinct is to repair it with order. We examine and analyse the situation, looking for logic, until we can say: “Aha, I know this. Now I know what to do.” Unfortunately, the rapid analysis and rational decision-making that most managers use to run their organizations has serious limitations. As problems and circumstances become more complex, they don’t fit previous patterns. We don’t recognize the situation. We can’t rapidly or automatically know what to do. What worked before doesn’t work today. To make effective sense of unfamiliar situations and complex challenges, we must have a grasp of the whole of the situation, including its variables, unknowns, and mysterious forces. This requires skills beyond everyday analysis. It requires innovation leadership. Objective of the course are:
- What Leaders Need Now Is Innovative Leadership
- Why Innovation Matters
- Innovation Leadership Has Two Components
- Business Thinking Versus Innovative Thinking
- Six Innovative Thinking Skills
- Experiment with Innovation
- Leadership for Innovation
- Leadership for Organizational Innovation Requirements
The modular course design combines comprehensive theoretical material related to innovation leadership with more practical seminars where useful tools and methods for innovation are used.
- Nositelj kolegija: Jasna Prester
- Izvođač kolegija: Radoslav Barišić
- Nositelj kolegija: Jasna Prester
- Nositelj kolegija: Jasna Prester
The course provides an introduction to the basic principles of service company management. Students are introduced to the basic tools for performing the service, and for monitoring the quality of the service delivery process and service systems on a daily basis. The course also introduces students to the managerial work in services. The course is based on a large number of case studies with Harvard Business School Cases, Ivy, INSEAD, ECH case study databases that are renewed every year. Through these case studies and teaching in the form of recommendations for achieving superior service, students are able to operationally manage the business of a service company. Students also do weekly homework through which mentoring is conducted. The reason for this course is the fact that it was seen that much knowledge in the field of Operations Management can be transferred to services and thus increase the quality of service. An additional reason is that the service sector generates about 70% of a country's GDP and in Croatia, according to the latest statistics, employs as many as 73% of the working population. The course is given at: Columbia Business School - Service Education Leader - https://www8.gsb.columbia.edu/courses/mba/2013/fall/b8107-002 Harvard: https://www.hbs.edu/coursecatalog/2120.html , but many other universities give similar courses. |
- Nositelj kolegija: Jasna Prester
- Nositelj kolegija: Jasna Prester
- Nositelj kolegija: Jasna Prester