- Nositelj kolegija: Leonarda Lovrović
- Nositelj kolegija: Sanja Škifić
- Nositelj kolegija: Katarina Ćurković Denona
- Nositelj kolegija: Anna Martinović
- Izvođač kolegija: Dino Dumančić
- Nositelj kolegija: Marko Lukić
- Izvođač kolegija: Irena Jurković
- Nositelj kolegija: Cathy-Theresa Kolega
- Nositelj kolegija: Tomislav Kuzmanović
- Izvođač kolegija: Marta Huber
- Nositelj kolegija: Javorka Milković
- Izvođač kolegija: Dino Dumančić
- Nositelj kolegija: Marko Lukić
- Izvođač kolegija: Irena Jurković
- Nositelj kolegija: Mario Vrbančić
- Nositelj kolegija: Anna Martinović
- Izvođač kolegija: Dino Dumančić
In addition to the historical development of translation studies as a discipline, including an overview of the earliest approaches from Cicero, Horatio and St. Jerome to contemporary theorists of translation such as Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Lawrence Venuti, Antoine Berman, Susan Bassnett, Andre Lefevere, etc., in this course the students will familiarize themselves with the most common trends, approaches, and problems that appear in the theory and practice of literary translation: the process and act of translation, authorship in translation, translator as an author, treatment, reception, categorization, and the status of literary translations and translators in the receiving culture, i.e., Croatia and abroad, problems of selecting a work for translation and its publication, ethics of translation, i.e., the problem of translations whose quality does not meet the generally accepted standards and thus influences the presentation of the original author and their work in the target culture, the system of translated literature within the system of national literatures, different strategies and approaches to translation such as domestication, foreignization, resistancy, etc.
- Nositelj kolegija: Tomislav Kuzmanović
- Izvođač kolegija: Marta Huber
- Nositelj kolegija: Rajko Petković
- Nositelj kolegija: Sanja Škifić
- Izvođač kolegija: Nataša Kustura
- Nositelj kolegija: Vesna Ukić